A healthy spring cleansing dahl made with weeds, like sorrel and cleavers.


When picking weeds:

  • make sure you know what you are picking
  • don't pick weeds from roadsides (car fumes and soot)
  • best not to pick weeds growing directly next to foot paths (dog pee)
  • young plants are best

I have used sorrel and cleavers for this recipe, but you can use any edible weeds you fancy, like dock, ground elder or young bistort leaves.

Rinse the weeds well and strip the cleaver leaves from the stalks, discarding the stalks.
Chop sorrel and cleaver leaves.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan and add the cumin seeds and black mustard seeds. Stir the seeds in the hot oil for a couple of minutes.

Add the onion, garlic, chilli pepper, red lentils and add around 400ml water. Bring to a boil and cook for around 30 minutes. It is important to check regularly (every 8 minutes) to see if more water needs to be added or not.

When the red lentils are soft, stir in the rest of the spices and also the chopped weeds and keep stirring until they have wilted (cleavers will lose their stickyness when wilted and sorrel turns a little bit brown).

Serve with naan bread, (homemade) piccalilli and chopped fresh coriander on top.

Special Diets

When using the ingredients listed, this recipe is suitable for the following diets:
• Vegan
• Vegetarian
• Dairy free
• Egg free

Please Note: May still contain traces of gluten, egg and dairy or other allergens. Before consumption always check the label of each individual product/ingredient for allergens.

Dahl with Weeds

Dahl with Weeds


Vegan recipe
Vegetarian recipe
Dairy free recipe
Egg free recipe

Please Note: May still contain traces of gluten, egg and dairy or other allergens.

Ingredients available from our online shop


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