Results for Soya Chunks

  • Organic Soya Chunks
    A great vegetarian alternative for saucy dishes traditionally centred on meat, simply soak in flavours like soya or bouillon before use.
    Category: products
  • Organic Soya Chunks
    Organic soya chunks are a quick cook vegetarian protein which can be used in a multitude of recipes instead of meat.
    Category: products
  • Couscous with soya mince
    A delicious vegan recipe with seasonal tomatoes and soya mince for extra protein.
    Category: recipes
  • Organic Soya Mince
    Organic soya mince is a quick cook vegetarian protein which can be used in a multitude of recipes instead of meat.
    Category: products
  • Strawberry crumble
    A delicious desert with seasonal fruit. Vegan desert, gluten free desert.
    Category: recipes
  • Sojade Soya Drink Mild
    Soya alternative to milk is a healthy way of adding soya to the diet. Or for those intolerant to lactose and milk.
    Category: products
  • Sojade Soya Drink Natural
    Soya alternative to milk is a healthy way of adding soya to the diet. Or for those intolerant to lactose and milk.
    Category: products
  • Roasted Root Vegetables
    Game (meat shot in the wild) has less impact on the environment than beef, chicken or pork. In contrast, deer are actually preventing trees to grow back in Scotland because they do...
    Category: recipes
  • Yaemon Tamari - Organic 150ml
    Clearspring organic Yaemon tamari soya sauce is free from wheat, gluten and dairy.
    Category: products
  • Yaemon Tamari - Organic 500ml
    Clearspring organic tamari soya sauce is free from wheat, gluten and dairy.
    Category: products