Results for Rice

  • Rice Mirin 250ml
    Mirin is the essential, naturally sweet ingredient in Japanese cuisine. It has its own subtle, exquisite flavour and the ability to draw out and accentuate natural flavours in othe...
    Category: products
  • Organic Rice Pops
    Ibis organic brown jasmine puffed rice is light and crispy with surprising buttery notes and all the nutrition of the bran. It is completely natural with nothing added.
    Category: products
  • Organic Rice Cakes Salt & Pepper
    Ibis Rice works directly with wildlife-friendly farmers who are committed to the strictest environmental standards and are paid a guaranteed premium for their crops. One of the mos...
    Category: products
  • Rice Vinegar Organic
    Traditionally aged, full bodied classic vinegar is perfect for salad dressings and a key ingredient for making sushi.
    Category: products
  • Organic Red Lentil Rice
    Red Lentil Rice range is an excellent substitute for regular rice or pasta in any dish. High in protein and low in fat, it is remarkably healthy and gives a unique look to any meal...
    Category: products
  • Rice Salad with Radishes
    Simple, nutritious, vegan, and ideal for picnics!
    Category: recipes
  • Rice Flour
    This naturally gluten free flour can be added to other flours for home baking or used to thicken sauces.
    Category: products
  • Organic Rice Cakes Natural
    Ibis Rice works directly with wildlife-friendly farmers who are committed to the strictest environmental standards and are paid a guaranteed premium for their crops. One of the mos...
    Category: products
  • Organic Brown Long Grain Rice - 1kg
    Ibis Rice works directly with wildlife-friendly farmers who are committed to the strictest environmental standards and are paid a guaranteed premium for their crops. One of the mos...
    Category: products
  • Organic Brown Long Grain Rice - 500g
    Ibis Rice works directly with wildlife-friendly farmers who are committed to the strictest environmental standards and are paid a guaranteed premium for their crops. One of the mos...
    Category: products