Results for Intestinal Gas

  • Activated Charcoal 90 caps
    WindAway contains activated charcoal to help with the build up of intestinal gas. This product contains pharmaceutical grade charcoal which is derived from coconut shells.
    Category: products
  • Activated Charcoal 30 caps
    WindAway contains activated charcoal to help with the build up of intestinal gas. This product contains pharmaceutical grade charcoal which is derived from coconut shells.
    Category: products
  • Fruits & Fibres Cubes
    Chewable fruit cubes with rhubarb, tamarind & fig to contribute to normal intestinal transit.
    Category: products
  • CastroClean Castor Oil Capsules
    Castroclean contains pure castor oil, which is commonly used as a natural colon cleanser.
    Category: products
  • Vegan Chocolate Cake
    Dairy free, egg free, lactose free and it still tastes of chocolate! This cake is a winner amongst friends and family. Serve with dairy free cream or just on its own.
    Category: recipes
  • Rhubarb and Apple Crumble
    Who doesn't like a good crumble?! Rhubarb should be in season now, but you can sometimes buy forced rhubarb as early as February/March. Rhubarb is high in oxalic acid, so should be...
    Category: recipes
  • Nut Roast
    The picture might not look very appetising (after all, I make them myself!), but don't be fooled. This nut roast is actually really tasty and vegan too!
    Category: recipes
  • Cake for Women (and men too!)
    Soya contains isoflavones which can help with menopausal symptoms, like hot flushes and mood swings. The essential fatty acids in the seeds can help with stiffness in the joints as...
    Category: recipes
  • Pink Quinoa with roasted beetroot
    A festive and colourful, healthy meal. Suitable for vegans when using the ingredients listed. A real eye catcher for the Christmas table!
    Category: recipes
  • Sauerkraut with tofu
    Sauerkraut is fermented white cabbage as opposed to pickled and shouldn’t contain vinegar. It’s the lacto-fermentation which makes sauerkraut such a healthy vegetable. Sauerkraut...
    Category: recipes