Results for Humus

  • Organic Chickpeas in Glass Jar
    Organic chick peas simply in water and in a glass jar. Chickpeas are full with vitamins, proteins, minerals and a store cupboard essential.
    Category: products
  • Falafel
    Falafel is made from chickpeas and spices. Traditionally served with houmous and pita bread. Add some lettuce, tomato or cucumber salads to make a nutritious meal. It usually is ve...
    Category: recipes
  • Edamame Hummus
    Add a taste of the Mediterranean to your toast, crackers, flatbreads and sandwiches, or simply use a dip.
    Category: products
  • Kidney Bean & Red Pepper Pate
    Add a taste of the Mediterranean to your toast, crackers, flatbreads and sandwiches, or simply use a dip.
    Category: products
  • Sorrel and Lettuce Soup
    A green soup to celebrate the start of Spring! If you can't find sorrel, you can substitute it with spinach, although sorrel has a slightly acidic flavour. Sorrel can't be consumed...
    Category: recipes