Results for Dijon

  • Dijon Mustard - Organic
    Biona Organic Dijon Mustard is delicious in sandwiches, with eggs or potato dishes, and adds taste and flavour to sauces and dressings.
    Category: products
  • Bulgur with Roasted Pointed Cabbage
    Pointed Cabbage, or hearted cabbage, is a green cabbage which can be in season in Spring or Autumn. A tasty salad for a warm Spring day!
    Category: recipes
  • Pulled Mushroom Rolls
    A vegan take on pulled pork: pulled mushrooms! Tasty, healthy and easy to make this vegan recipe can be made almost year round as spring cabbage, despite the name, is in season mos...
    Category: recipes
  • Kidney Bean Salad
    You can also make this healthy and nourishing salad in winter when using frozen french beans or tinned.
    Category: recipes