Results for Pods

  • Coffee Pods Immunity Boost
    Nespresso compatible pods containing high quality and perfectly balanced 100% arabica coffee from the Brazilian Cerrado region.
    Category: products
  • Dutch Blue Podded Pea Dish
    In the Netherlands these blue podded peas are known as 'Kapucijners'. They grow very well in the UK and have beautiful blue pods. You can dry the peas for using in winter dishes, l...
    Category: recipes
  • Nasturtium Capers
    Did you know you can make capers from nasturtium pods?
    Category: recipes
  • Very green burgers
    Make sure your children are eating enough green vegetables with these vegetarian burgers. Chock-a-block with green veggies! Both chard and spinach are in season during the summer m...
    Category: recipes
  • Banana, coconut and tahini ice cream
    A delicious vegan ice cream, made with tahini.
    Category: recipes
  • Cardamoms Pods
    Cardamom is used in Indian cooking or in baking combined with cloves and cinnamon.
    Category: products
  • Feel New Tea
    Aniseed and lush cardamom bring your cup alive to shrug off the old and embrace the new.
    Category: products
  • Licorice & Cinnamon
    A luxuriously sweet organic treasure gilded with golden spice.
    Category: products
  • Vanilla Bean Paste
    Taylor & Colledge Vanilla Beans Paste is made using 100% natural vanilla beans. As the name implies, Vanilla Bean Paste is basically vanilla beans in a jar.
    Category: products
  • Pasta Salad with Broad beans
    Cook the pasta following the instructions on the bag. Drain and leave to cool. Pod the broad beans and cook them for around 3 - 5 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water. I...
    Category: recipes