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Results for Healthy Bowels
Lepicol 180g
Lepicol powder. High fibre probiotic and prebiotic.
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Lepicol 350g
Lepicol powder. High fibre probiotic and prebiotic.
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Bowel Essence
Bowel essence can help promote calm, cleanse, settle, ease, comfort and generally relax you.
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Tormentil 50ml
Tormentil (Potentilla tormentilla) is a herbaceous perennial related to the rose family. It is found in the wild in many parts of the world, including Europe.
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CastroClean Castor Oil Capsules
Castroclean contains pure castor oil, which is commonly used as a natural colon cleanser.
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Silicol ® Gel
Colloidal silicic acid for gastroinstestinal disorders.
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OptiGut-C ® 120 grams
OptiGUT-C microbiotic combines specific bacteria with prune, fibre and calcium to support your digestion.
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Psyllium Husk - Organic
Just Natural Organic Psyllium Husk are whole psyllium husks and used as a highly effective soluble dietary fibre. You can use psyllium husk for baking or adding to cakes and bread.
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Psyllium Husk Powder - Organic
Just Natural Organic Psyllium Husk Powder is a fine powder milled from Psyllium husks and used as a highly effective soluble dietary fibre. You can use psyllium husk for baking or ...
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Oil of Peppermint Extra
200mg oil of peppermint per capsule.
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