Eye Drops Extra 10ml
Eye drops containing Euphrasia and Hyaluronic Acid. For extremely dry, tired & irritated eyes. Suitable for contact lens users Category: products
Age Renewal Vitamin E 25,000iu
This botanically-rich Vitamin E Cream naturally delivers deep, long-lasting moisturization and effectively helps minimize the visible signs of skin aging. Category: products
Revitalizing Vitamin E 5,000iu
This botanically-rich Vitamin E Face Cream naturally delivers deep, long-lasting moisturization and effectively helps revitalize dull, dehydrated skin. Category: products
Anti-Ageing Moisturising Cream
Lavera anti-ageing moisturising cream with organic jojoba, organic aloe vera and coenzyme Q10. Category: products
Moisturising Cream
Lavera moisturising cream with organic jojoba and organic aloe vera. Category: products
Sambucol ® Extra Defence
Black Elderberry with extra vitamin C, zinc, vitamins and minerals. Category: products
Green Couscous
A summer dish with lots of fresh vegetables, herbs and couscous. Good dish to serve with a barbecue and a glass of cool white wine. Category: recipes
Couscous Salad with parsley
Another couscous salad, the varieties are endless. This salad goes well with a barbecue or a picnic in the park. Category: recipes