Beans, peas and more beans
A recipe with plenty of green, spring vegetables like French beans, peas and broad beans. Salmon provides protein and Omega 3. This recipe is also seasonal in July and August. Category: recipes
Three Malts & Sunflower Brown Flour
To produce the richness of this flour, whole grains of wheat, rye and barley are steeped in water before being carefully spread on the malting floor. Category: products
Whole foods
We sell a variety of whole foods at the Stirling Health Food Store, like: dried fruits, beans & pulses, flour, oats, oatmeal, cereals and grains in bulk size or small at competitiv...
Purple Sushi
Vegan sushi made purple using red cabbage! Category: recipes
Quiche with cauliflower and blue cheese
Line a round oven tin with the short crust pastry. Boil the cauliflower florets for around 6 - 8 minutes. Drain and leave to cool.
Place the cauliflower on the bottom of the ... Category: recipes
Wheat Grain - Organic
Wheat was first brought under cultivation 10,000 years ago in mesopotania. Category: products
Wheat Grain Salad with Vegan Feta
Never tried wheat grains? Try this easy to make and tasty recipe with whole wheat grain. I've grown wheat in my garden, it grows pretty well. Try to grow some yourself, it doesn't ... Category: recipes