Results for Bach Flower Essences

  • Flower Essences
    The Stirling Health Food Store sells Jan de Vries Bach flower essences and flower essences for animals (pets).

  • Emergency Essence Pet
    Bach flower remedy for pets can bring balance to the system and initiate calm.
    Category: products
  • Child Essence
    Many find Child flower essence useful for children trying to cope with changing situations such as moving house, arrival of a new sibling, issues at school or at home.
    Category: products
  • Recovery Remedy
    The Original Bach method. Also known as rescue remedy.
    Category: products
  • Rescue ® Night Spray
    Rescue® Night can help with a natural night's sleep when the mind won't switch off ?from unwanted repetitive thoughts.
    Category: products
  • Rescue ® Remedy Spray
    Rescue Remedy ® formula is the same today as when it was developed more than 80 years ago with the unique combination of 5 Bach Original Flower Essences.
    Category: products
  • Bowel Essence
    Bowel essence can help promote calm, cleanse, settle, ease, comfort and generally relax you.
    Category: products
  • Emergency Essence 30ml
    Emergency essence is useful in any crisis situation such as stress, bereavement, accident or fear.
    Category: products
  • Emergency Essence 15ml
    Emergency essence is useful in any crisis situation such as stress, bereavement, accident or fear.
    Category: products
  • Emotional Essence
    This combination of essences may help to provide support during times of heartbreak. May lift spirits and give hope for the future.
    Category: products